The KOHLI ROCKS name began in October 1995 where I created a live radio music show and gave myself a nickname to have fun with, KOHLI ROCKS! Started off with the Dj shows at Ventura College. Started exploring the social music scene in my town. Before I knew it, I had my own weekly DJ night at one of our popular nightclubs, Nicholby’s Nightclub. The social butterfly in me helped me get to know an entire music town right when it was blooming. Soon, I got a job at a local paper to be their music columnist. And, I used this opportunity to study the scene. Ended up booking live shows. And, from there a multi music career began. Today, I like to blog about the music industry. Live and breathe music. Portions of my blog will be about music happenings. Pop & rock and my life surrounded by music. I recently just moved to San Francisco. Will also post about shows with live bands, and sometimes variety shows. May include some fun Drag Queen shows. To me, Music is love. And love is universal. Love each other and be kind every day. Music is my safe haven. This blog and website will feature music news, blogs, and more!

Here’s a music video for you! Thank you for stopping by! — Michael Kohli